Why choose UCSB?
As a UC Santa Barbara (UCSB) alumnus you may think that this post is going to be biased… and it most definitely is! I went there and from my lived experience I would proudly claim this school as the best most well rounded university in California. Ok, maybe the world haha.
All jokes aside, my undergraduate experience was amazing. The UCSB campus is exquisite. Aside from the beautiful beaches, awesome architecture and amazing people, there’s a rich history and heritage that engulfs the environment.

UCSB Environment
The programs offered at UCSB are not to be overlooked. From courses and research projects ran by extraordinary faculty, which includes Nobel Prize winners (YES, I said Nobel Prize winners), to top ranked departments such as the Computer Science department. My first three years at UCSB, I was declared a Computer science major, so I can attest to the rigorous and well rounded courses. However, I switched majors and completed my undergrad journey with a BS Statistical science degree and a minor in Philosophy… Unusual combination, I KNOW!
Ok but this is all well and good, every school will claim to have a beautiful campus and great curriculum, what else does UCSB have to offer? Honestly there’s a whole array of things including: great study abroad programs, extra curriculum activities and sporting teams, an awesome soccer team, and the list goes on. I would like to speak strictly from experience, and what made UCSB such a great experience was the people.

UCSB student’s comradery…Floatopia
UCSB has a way of creating a cool, friendly, and well balanced environment between academics and social networking. Although UCSB is known for its crazy party scene, with major contributions from the social fraternities, students of UCSB quickly learn and adapt to the discipline, time management skills, and dedication needed to be successful in all aspects of life. As a proud member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. I understand why frat members get a reputation for parties, but what doesn’t get as much press is the GPA requirements, community service requirements, and student leadership initiatives needed to be considered an official fraternity within the school guidelines. Point being, UCSB students know how to party and make life long friends while still excelling academically. The school and its environment not only creates scholars, but effective community leaders as well.

Shout out to UCSB Pirate lol
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to discuss the latest tragedy suffered by UCSB students, alumni and affiliates, but I believe it only shows the deep connection and pride Gauchos have to their alma mater. When the massacre of May 23, 2014, happened I bore witness to the support on social media and all the student and local community movements in support of the communal healing. Endless support and love went out to the families of those who passed as well as a beautiful display of strength for those who fell victim to the attack.

UCSB stand in solidarity
Essentially UCSB is home to intelligent, social, inspiring, courageous, talented and every other positive adjective you can think of, people. I will forever be thankful for the experience that has made me a proud Gaucho.

Dewey M. James, MIS is the author of this post.
Hi Dewey,
I agree that UCSB is an excellent university and i am proud that you are a “Gaucho”! I was able to observe first hand how this school influenced the transformation of my young boy into a man that that has earned my respect many times over. This school has helped you to learn on of the most important lessons in life, that is to have balance. Work hard; play hard; spend time with family, friends and loved ones, yourself, and with God.
The incident at UCSB in May of this year is most tragic. I don’t know what caused the young man to lose control, but this should be a lesson in responsibility for those who are in a position to effect change to control the acquisition and possession of dangerous weapons. I join with you in expressing condolences to UCSB family. I also express condolences to the family of the gunman who unfortunately was able to find a weapon of destruction faster than the help that he obviously needed.
Congratulations on starting this blog my young Kappa! Best wishes to you.